Wednesday, December 22, 2010
omg. uniform posting dulu dah ketat. OMG lagi.
and being roomate to a dietician is not helping at all! late night coming back with foods. OMG!
working crazy hours, no enough time to eat properly so end up snacking for fast glucose action.
can someone tell me how to lose weight without having to work out? because seriously i have no time. and i have no one to accompany me.
i cannot do excessive/ heavy workout because my ACL cannot handle anymore. will torn apart !
spider angiomas is everywhere!!
OMG siannya bakal suamiku. T_T
Thursday, December 16, 2010
salam sejahtera saya ucapkan buat sahabat2 handai sekalian. lamanya x update blog. even sebelum kerja pon dah malas nak update, apetah lagi sekarang ini pabila sudah bekerja di waktu2 jelik (odd hours). sedikit update ringkas mengenai kisah hidupku sebagai anak perantauan.
muslimah bukan gambar diatas? celeb bday pakai baju kurung hahaha!
on the 4th of november (my birthday) dapat call from pusrawi, saying that my application has been accepted. yippa! dapat news ni time tu dah kat terengganu, kat rumah chicho to be precise. attending fiey's engagement ceremony. very little ceremony la sangat. tgk2 ramai juga org. huhu.
ok kembali ke alam pekerjaan. kini dah pasti berposting di surgical ward (kena duduk dulu at least sampai competent baru boleh pergi ke specialize area T_T ).
so currently, kerja sangat menarik. kadang2 terfikir nak puasa setiap hari sebab busy bukan sempat makan pon so baik puasa disamping boleh menabung sedikit utk hari tua wahaha. takpe cita2 tu penting. tapi jgn tertipu ye ni baru angan2 mat jenin. badan mmg dah xle kurus watla camne pon huhu. tipu ria jgn tipu adakah anda berusaha? tidakkkk
for the last 3 weeks stay kat rumah maklong di shah alam. fuh tu yg kena keluar rumah 2 hours before time masuk sbb jauh and sebagai pekerja baru mana boleh masuk kerja lambat! lagipun ddk kat kl ni kena consider byk mende, traffic jam, sesat barat lagi. mmg haru la! kat ktn yela setengah jam sebelum masuk kerja baru nak bgn. haha! tapi bestnya sbb ddk rumah aunty yg sgt comfortable sampai lupa diri. haha! maaf maklong!
sebenarnya baru je pindah masuk (moving in) kat rumah sewa di kg baru last week . sangat menarik nafas lega apabila dayah nazri, dietician di pusrawi pon nak menyewa. fuh lega gila! so ada geng. so sekarang ber roomate dgn dayah. nasib baik dia jenis cool n x kesah dgn perangai yg x berapa nak pengemas sepanjang masa ni. haha! walaupun rumah pangsa ini kelihatan menggerunkan, tapi condition rumah dia ok and sgt dekat dgn pusrawi. so sekrang dah boleh buat perangai keluar rumah 20 minit sebelum waktu bekerja.
dah bekerja ni, sgt different. semua kena fikir sendiri. hutang melambak nak kena bayar. x boleh joli2 dah. nak kena byr rumah sewa kereta makan bagai. kalau x cukup duit silalah berpuasa. tapi saat indah tiba bila ibu dan bapa dtg outstesen di sini lalu kamu pon dgn hati tenang menyemak nak tidur hotel jgk biarlah hotel x seberapa sejauh mana pon sanggup. haha!
but one thing that i'm very thankful of is, masa menjadi perantauan (ok byk kali aku emphasize perantauan sebab ketahuilah yg aku hanya keluar ktn 2 tahun je masa matric uia kat pj ye) Allah mcm mempermudahkan urusan sangat2. walaupun kdg2 bgn lmbt, keluar lmbt tp still sempat sampai on time.
and i got a very good supporting system, my parents are always there by my side. ye mmg amat segan dah kerja pon still menyusahkan mak bapak, tapi.. x stable lagi.. selama ni hidup semua mak bapak yg buatkan, sampai folio sejarah form5 pon ibu buatkan, dah camne? wuwu. thanks ayah for the car, along pon jgk sbb mmg dia settlekan from a to z, i love u both for that. trizillion thanks to ibu, dari sekolah asyik melayan ya beli brg2 konon2 sikit tapi gabung2 dah boleh dpt satu biji lagi kereta jerung. thanks angah, bila ya pakai baju setiap hari ya rasa cam tudung je beli sendiri, yg lain tu semua ihsan angah pls belikan lagi i lebiu.
i love you all. i really do. thanks to all my fellow friends as well. you guys do know i love u loadssss kan? ;)
when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. pls pray that i can survive with this little salary. i need to grow up! chaiyok!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
This is a quotation that I got from watching ‘the memory keeper’s daughter’ . A mother tells a story about a bunny to her Down Syndrome daughter. It is very inspirational, and reminds us that everyone has their own special thing. Do not overlook others and yourself also.
‘Once there was a little bunny, who is perfect in every way except she wasn’t like every other bunny. And when she went for a walk, the other bunnies will sometimes call her funny bunny. And that will make her feel sad. Then she went home to mummy bunny. And mummy bunny took her in her paws and said
‘everything is different. No two flowers are the same, no two butterflies, and no two bunnies. You are not my funny bunny, you are my honey bunny.’ :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
a conversation
Ayah: tadi kat masjid ustaz cerita psl neraka, psl aurat, ishk ngeri ayah dengar!
Si cantik: *pura2 tanya walaupun tahu akan kena backfire* asal? cerita mana?
Ayah: hah ustaz ckp, manusia ni dia ada 3 juta rambut, setiap helai rambut yg didedahkan, akan kena hukum 60 tahun, awak bayangkanlah kalau awak keluar rumah x pakai tudung..
Si cantik: *menelan air liur* tapi ayah. kalau kita makan2 ramai2 pastu terkeluar rambut 2 3 helai, camne?
Ayah: ah kira sendiri. tatau. *gaya malas lyn sbb soalan mesti nak annoying*
dayum. baru nak tanya ayah psl org yg bertudung tapi kat friendster kat myspace, kat blog letak gmbr free hair?
ok peringatan utk diri sendiri juga ye. bukan edisi poyo asyik nak condemn org konon bagus gila.
ok korang jgn tetiba nak buat gila plak kan mentang2 rambut seurat 60 thn kena seksa kat neraka, korang bantai pakai short dgn tudung plak. ah yg tu mmg merayu2 utk dimaki.
ok sekian terima kasih.
disclaimer: gambar dibawah tiada kena mengena dengan post kali ini. ini hanya menggambarkan kesedihan x dpt2 lg gmbr convo dr encik photographer. T_T
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
interview (especially to my classmates)
pls doakan saya ye rakan2 . T_T