Wednesday, June 30, 2010

a weekend well spent! ;)

thanks to my 2 lovely girls,. for the last time, not sure when will i see my 2 favourite girls again.

day 1: karaoke and movie marathon. :)

saying goodbye to uia. :(

day 2: kenduri at ubai and awana kijal!!! :)

upon arrival! ;)

scenery from our room

favourite part of the getaway! ;) watersports!

catamaran and banana boat!

a very entertaining dinner, and we even make friends with faiz and hakim yg sgt handsome!

handsome kan handsome kan? *melting*

day 3: the most entertaining, right after breakfast, ATV, cycling, water skying and banana boat! again!! ;)

byebye awana. will surely come back. :(

otw back, burger king is a must. huhu.

keropok lekor for folks at home. cannot go back empty handed right?

thanks for reading! ;)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

a simple reminder.

Seorang guru sufi mendatangi seorang muridnya ketika wajahnya belakangan ini selalu tampak murung.

“Kenapa kau selalu murung, nak? Bukankah banyak hal yang indah di dunia ini? Ke mana perginya wajah bersyukurmu?” sang Guru bertanya.

“Guru, belakangan ini hidup saya penuh masalah. Sulit bagi saya untuk tersenyum. Masalah datang seperti tak ada habis-habisnya,” jawab sang murid muda.

Sang Guru terkekeh. “Nak, ambil segelas air dan dua genggam garam. Bawalah kemari. Biar kuperbaiki suasana hatimu itu.”

Si murid pun beranjak pelan tanpa semangat. Ia laksanakan permintaan gurunya itu, lalu kembali lagi membawa gelas dan garam sebagaimana yang diminta.

“Coba ambil segenggam garam, dan masukkan ke segelas air itu,” kata Sang Guru. “Setelah itu coba kau minum airnya sedikit.”

Si murid pun melakukannya. Wajahnya kini meringis karena meminum air asin.

“Bagaimana rasanya?” tanya Sang Guru.

“Masin, dan perutku jadi mual,” jawab si murid dengan wajah yang masih meringis.

Sang Guru terkekeh-kekeh melihat wajah muridnya yang meringis keasinan.

“Sekarang kau ikut aku.” Sang Guru membawa muridnya ke danau di dekat tempat mereka. “Ambil garam yang tersisa, dan tebarkan ke danau.”

Si murid menebarkan segenggam garam yang tersisa ke danau, tanpa bicara. Rasa asin di mulutnya belum hilang. Ia ingin meludahkan rasa asin dari mulutnya, tapi tak dilakukannya. Rasanya tak sopan meludah di hadapan mursyid, begitu pikirnya.

“Sekarang, coba kau minum air danau itu,” kata Sang Guru sambil mencari batu yang cukup datar untuk didudukinya, tepat di pinggir danau.

Si murid menangkupkan kedua tangannya, mengambil air danau, dan membawanya ke mulutnya lalu meneguknya. Ketika air danau yang dingin dan segar mengalir di tenggorokannya, Sang Guru bertanya kepadanya, “Bagaimana rasanya?”

“Segar, segar sekali,” kata si murid sambil mengelap bibirnya dengan punggung tangannya. Tentu saja, danau ini berasal dari aliran sumber air di atas sana. Dan airnya mengalir menjadi sungai kecil di bawah. Dan sudah pasti, air danau ini juga menghilangkan rasa asin yang tersisa di mulutnya.

“Terasakah rasa garam yang kau tebarkan tadi?”

“Tidak sama sekali,” kata si murid sambil mengambil air dan meminumnya lagi. Sang Guru hanya tersenyum memperhatikannya, membiarkan muridnya itu meminum air danau sampai puas.

“Nak,” kata Sang Guru setelah muridnya selesai minum. “Segala masalah dalam hidup itu seperti segenggam garam. Tidak kurang, tidak lebih. Hanya segenggam garam. Banyaknya masalah dan penderitaan yang harus kau alami sepanjang kehidupanmu itu sudah dikadar oleh Allah, sesuai untuk dirimu. Jumlahnya tetap, segitu-segitu saja, tidak berkurang dan tidak bertambah. Setiap manusia yang lahir ke dunia ini pun demikian. Tidak ada satu pun manusia, walaupun dia seorang Nabi, yang bebas dari penderitaan dan masalah.”

Si murid terdiam, mendengarkan.

“Tapi Nak, rasa ‘asin’ dari penderitaan yang dialami itu sangat tergantung dari besarnya qalbu yang menampungnya. Jadi Nak, supaya tidak merasa menderita, berhentilah jadi gelas. Jadikan qalbu dalam dadamu itu jadi sebesar danau.”

: : : : : : :

“Berkata (Musa), “Ya Tuhanku, lapangkanlah untukku dadaku,” (25)
“Dan mudahkanlah untukku urusanku.” (26).

[Q.S. 20 : 25 - 26]

“Tidaklah Allah membebani seseorang kecuali sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.” [Q..S. 2 : 286]

Thursday, June 24, 2010


nak taip terlalu panjang, tp mata dah x mampu.

LJM. tawakkal. will be babbling about it later, for the time being, tawakkal. tu je la yang boleh dilakukan now. insyallah semua orang can get over than 50 correct. ;)

rakan2 ingatlah,

there's a DISTINCT different between KAWAN, and KENALAN.

do know where you stand. supaya tidak kecewa di kemudian hari.

sekian terima kasih.

Friday, June 18, 2010

i lebiu malaysia

Malaysians warned of rising debt without cuts

Reuters - Thursday, May 27
KUALA LUMPUR, May 27 - Malaysia risks becoming the next Greece unless voters swallow subsidy cuts that will see the price of petrol, food, electricity and other staples rise, a government minister warned on Thursday.

A government think-tank charged with producing plans to cut the country's subsidy bill presented its plans to the public in a bid to win acceptance for painful cuts, which have yet to be voted on by the government.

Idris Jala, a minister in the prime minister's department who heads the body advising the government, said that Malaysia's debt would rise to 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2019 from 54 percent of GDP at present without the cuts.

"We don't want to end up as another Greece," he told a roadshow, referring to the European Union member whose debt woes have unsettled global markets. Malaysia spent 15.3 percent of total federal government operating spending on subsidies in its 2009 budget when its deficit surged to a 20-year high of 7 percent of GDP. The cabinet discussed the subsidy proposals on Wednesday, but any decision on cuts could be months away, a government source told Reuters.

Political analysts and economists say the failure of the government to push through previous subsidy cuts casts doubt on whether it can do it this time, especially with state elections looming in Sarawak, a government stronghold that is under threat from the opposition.

The proposals presented would see petrol prices for the benchmark RON95 blend rise by an initial 15 sen (Malaysian cents) per litre from their current price at some stage this year.

The benchmark RON 95 grade currently costs 1.80 ringgit per litre.

Under the proposals presented by the advisory body, the price of petrol would be hiked some time this year followed by two price hikes totalling 20 sen per litre in 2011 and two more totalling 20 sen per litre in 2012. In 2013-2015, the price hikes would slow and by the end of 2015, the price of RON95 would stand at 2.60 ringgit per litre, according to the plans that have yet to be approved by the government. The forecasts were based on a crude oil price forecast of $73.06 per barrel for 2011 and $79.41-$94.52 for 2013-2015.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

this email i found, worth reading.

HI Everone,
Are the prices quoted below true??? If so, we all are being ripped off!!!

Toyota Camry 2.4L for RM69,396.00 (and not RM170,000.00)

Toyota Altis for RM46,000 (and not RM112,000.00)

Honda Jazz for RM36,000.00 (and not RM108,000)

Want more?

Read the following forwarded article..... Syed Akbar Ali. And know the actual prices of your dream car.

Car Prices In Malaysia
Digest this article, after that, you may need to vomit. What is the Malaysian Govt doing all these while. Ripping off our Rakyat for the last 30 yrs with APs designed to benefit a few well connected Bumis, the UMNO/BN have robbed millions of citizens in this fiasco, under the pretext of protecting our local industry. The Govt have forgotten we Malays are the largest customers in the country. What is the NEP policy doing ?? Ripping off the Malays (which forms 65% of the consumer base) to benefit a few UMNO politicians !!!

BMW 535i sells for RM178,000 in the US

In the United States of America (a developed country which we are also aspiring to become by the year 2020) a 2009 model BMW 535i Sedan is selling for about USD50,367.00. This is only RM178,000 - about the price of a Toyota Camry 2.4L here in Malaysia . The same BMW sells in Malaysia for about RM450,000.

BMW 328i sells for RM155,000 in the US

The 2009 model BMW 328i 2 door Convertible sells for USD44,014 or RM155,369.00 in the US . In Malaysia the same car sells for over RM460,000. This is an untenable situation.

Audi A4 2.0T Cabriolet Convertible sells for RM142,000 in the US. The 2009 model Audi A4 2 Door 2.0T Cabriolet Convertible sells in the US for USD40,328.00 or RM142,357. In Malaysia the same car would sell for about RM265,000.

VW GTI 2.0T sells for RM85,000 in the US

In the US the 2009 model Volkswagen GTI 2.0T sells for USD 24,039 or RM85,000 only. In China the same car will cost around RM60,000. Over here the same VW car sells for about RM200,000.

And the 2010 model Toyota Camry 2.4L sells in the US for USD 19,659.00 or RM69,396 In Malaysia the 2008 Toyota Camry 2.4L sells for RM170,000. Toyota Camry 2.4L, 2010 model. RM69,000 in the US

Car prices in Malaysia are about three times higher than the prices in the United States. We are a developing nation. Our land and labour costs are so much cheaper than the US . Why are our cars so expensive? It does not make any sense. Tak masuk akal.

Then here are some car prices from our neighbour Indonesia . The Toyota Altis sells in Indonesia for about RM46,000. The same car sells here for around RM 112,000. Again we are three times more expensive than Indonesia

The Honda Jazz sells here for RM108,000.. In Indonesia the Jazz sells for RM 36,000. Three times more expensive.

We are paying ridiculously high prices (and actually impoverishing the Malays - who are the largest buyers of cars in Malaysia) to support an out of date, out of touch with reality motor car policy.

We are paying the highest car prices in the world to support the Proton and other locally made cars as well as support a mind boggling AP policy which only benefits a relatively few rich Malays. A disproportionately large number of Malays and other Malaysians are being impoverished to subsidise the wealth of a few inefficient rich.

26 million Malaysians have to pay three times more for their cars just to support Proton and 120,000 people who are directly and indirectly involved in the motor sector in Malaysia and the AP holders. That is a ratio of 216:1.

This ratio of 216:1 is too skewed. 26.0 million happier people can contribute many more votes than 120,000 members of an inefficient motor industry.. 26 million unhappy people can change a Government. (The maths is not really difficult here)

And this outdated policy is impoverishing the Malays more than anyone else.

Here is some news from our DPM Tan Sri Muhyudin Yassin about our car policy. This is truncated:

Muhyiddin assures govt support for automotive parts and component sector

1. KUALA LUMPUR, May 26 - The deputy prime minister said special focus will be given to "facilitate and encourage" the development of the automotive parts and component sector despite the current global and regional economic downturn.

2. "Under the CEPT and Asean Trade in Goods Agreements, Malaysia has agreed to eliminate import duties on all products in the Normal Track on January 1, 2010. This includes motor vehicles, auto parts and components," he said.

3. He pointed out that . .. . the motor vehicle sub sector in Malaysia will not be directly impacted because of its heavy dependence on the domestic market.

4. "The Malaysian government recognises the contribution of the domestic automotive industry towards the development of the country."

Para 2 sounds promising but then Para 3 and 4 basically says that the Malaysian motor car industry will continue to be protected. This means we will continue paying the highest car prices in the world for automobiles.

Cuba kita kira : kalau kereta Honda Jazz di jual dengan harga yang sebenarnya (lebih kurang RM36,000 saja) dan bukan pada harga sekarang (RM108,000) maksudnya bayaran bulanan pembeli kereta akan jadi kurang, mungkin sepertiga sahaja daripada bayaran bulanan sekarang.

Jika sekarang orang bayar RM1,500 sebulan untuk beli Honda Jazz, kalau harga kereta lebih menepati harga pasaran dunia, orang kita perlu bayar sekitar RM500 saja sebulan.

Maksudnya tanpa Kerajaan perlu membuat apa pun (merangsang ekonomi, belanja berpuluh billion Ringgit duit rakyat untuk stimulus dan sebagainya) setiap rakyat Malaysia yang membeli kereta yang seharga dengan Honda Jazz akan dapat menjimatkan sehingga RM1,000 sebulan
daripada kos sara hidup bulanannya.

This is like giving the car buyer an RM1000 pay rise without incurring any extra costs for the taxpayer, the Government or the economy. It will greatly reduce the cost of living in Malaysia and spur greater economic growth too.

Tapi sekarang, yang menjadi mangsa dulu dan yang menjadi miskin dulu orang Melayu juga. Orang Melayu yang paling ramai sekali menjadi pembeli kereta dalam negara kita. Orang Melayu kebanyakannya makan gaji - tiap bulan dapat gaji tetap. Bila harga kereta naik gila, yang menjadi miskin di saf depan sekali adalah orang Melayu juga.

In absolute numbers, the Malays are suffering the most because they are the most in number among the fixed income people who also buy cars.

Some folks said the other day that Proton has 150 major component suppliers, dealers, distributors and about 500 other parts suppliers too. Of the 150 major component suppliers, about 15 of them are listed companies. In total they employ about 120,000 people. The Proton supply chain is a mix of bumiputras and non bumiputras. But here is a sad fact: none of them are operating at their level best efficiency.

Our motor car policy is forcing Malaysians to subsidise Proton so that Proton can sustain major inefficiencies in the Malaysian economy. This is not a good thing at all.

We have to unwind this situation. Set a target of 18 months from now to unwind all protection for our motor industry. Remove the impoverishing AP policy also in 18 months. Let Malaysian car prices reflect world market prices for the same makes of cars.

If a BMW 535 sells for RM178,000 in America , it should sell for a little less here in Malaysia (our rentals and salaries are cheaper).

Fw: Car Prices In Malaysia

The Ministers continue making pronouncements about the car industry as though nothing has happened. I hope everyone will please wake up. The Government has a real chance of getting thrown out of office in about three years. The people will not accept inept answers anymore.

The ridiculous car prices in Malaysia is an issue that is just beginning to get more attention and publicity. It is going to become a really big issue in the near future. Be forewarned.

Monday, June 14, 2010


in the name of love, STOP! whatever you are doing ria! you are acting childish.


using mouth/text before brain.

spending 20-hours in front of your lappie.

staying in the room.

blaming others for your attitude and definitely stop blaming your hormones!
the fact is when u dont even use your head.


studying. LJM WEH LJMMMM!!!!!

finding a new things to love

sending your resume

finishing all the bookssss u dont have the chance to before



inspirational. cuba tgk blog ni. cam best je.

something to ponder dont u think?

when people try to advise you, take it as positive as u can.

not positive as in

" oh they are just so freaking jealous of what i have bla3"

that's not positive. that' just plain ridiculous.

positive as in u have to revise, rethink, or maybe perhaps. perhaps. there are some 'ugly truth' about yourself. digest it.

maybe u should change A BIT. because whether u like it or not. people don't like being brag about.

oh and what's with stalking? you are the one who invades others' conversation and being dominant is just your thing. if u said/ did wrong, just admit. no point of trying to prove you are still right.

sorry if you might find this harsh, but i've tried other wayssss to talk to you, but it all seems worthless. don't say i did not put in effort before. this world don't just revolves around you you know. stop playing victim.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

edisi kesedaran utk jejaka.


actually korang expect apa aku nak tulis kat sini? huhu. very brief ok, ini yg aku terfikir utk sang suami yg bakal2 menjadi nahkoda perkahwinan. fuh ayat yusof haslam abes! huhu. x jauh pon different dr edisi wanita haritu, tp korang tau la tanggung jawab korang tu lagi la BESAR dr wanita.

korang tu 9 IQ (akal) 1 EQ (emosi/nafsu) manakala pmpn ni 9 EQ 1 IQ. sbb tu pregnant pmpn. kalau korang la kena angkut 5 6 kilo kat perut tu, mampus dah kua kan ayat2 caci maci, lagi2 kalau anak2 tiba2 br umur 10thn dah pandai nak melawan mak bapak. sbb tu la korang yg jadi ketua keluarga, korang yg pegang lafaz 'talak' tu sbb kalau pmpn la... mahu tiap hari bercerai. mcm time2 couple, jap2 minta break jap2 break. hai. leceh gila.


hah mende biasa yg aku dah bebel. malas nak tulis pepanjang. bukan nak konon2 bagus aku perfect, bab2 agama sure kena tiptop la kan. kalau kau, nak ke seseorang yg cam sampah gila jadi pemimpin? TAK KANNNNN. takan nak kawen dgn laki yg x le jadi imam gila UNCOOOOLL OKAY! so silalah menjadi lelaki yg 'perfect' ataupun lelaki yg mencintai dan berusaha akan ke'perfect'an tu. huh gila ayat pening. setakat solat wajib 5 tu mmg xde hal la, tp yg solat2 sunat? surah2 amalan? ada best aritu kwn aku boleh tanya "ma'thurat tu apa?' T_T rasa cam nak nangis...

2. financial.

'xpe b nanti kita lalui hari2 mendatang bersama-sama.. kta berusaha bersama-sama mencari duit ok' kata minah rempit kepada bakal suami yg kerjanya merempit siang dan mlm bg mencari sesuap nasi.

ah bagusla korang. sggp berkorban utk one another. bg aku, xpe kalau nak bersusah payah suami isteri bersama2, sweet gila okayh! kira cam struggle time susah sama, so time senang insyallah la x lupa daratan kan? siot gila if ko nak mula2 berniaga bkn main lg minta tlg bini, dah kaya terus nak cari bini cantik padahal bini kepam tu jgkla dulu tergolek2 nolong ko. tp biarlah bertempat. if sama2 still belajar, or baru kerja, sweet la kan. kira cam susah senang bersama *i always dreamt this one hehe!* cewah! tp kalau dah hidup 10 tahun bersama, still x settle down, ddk rumah sewa, kereta x byr, susah la kan. anak2 lg x fikir. takan ko nak bg anak ko mkn ubi rebus cam zmn ko dulu2. paling2 x dpt koko krunch dpt koko crunhy mydin tu pon jadi la kan. bentuk sama khasiat je lain. hah bab2 nutrisi nanti plak mention lain kali


hah paling penting okkkkk! yg aku selalu pns ialah pabila suami/isteri yg poyo gl pernah love org lain before ur spouse, tiba2 dah kawen xle nak menyayangi sepenuh hati. aduhaila pls la people no more cheap opera. kalau ko keep on cari ex ko, bandingkan bini ko dgn ex ko tanpa henti, mmg sampai mati la kan takan bahagia or get over her. dah ada bini sorang tu treasure la dia. bentuk la dia camne ko nak. tp dgn cara yg betul la kan jgn force her to be someone she's not. teringat plak ayat ibu yg best gila time aku break-up dulu,

"if a guy is serious with you, he will definitely find a way to MOULD u into someone he wants, not giving excuses and blame u for things u did wrong"

oh makan dlm GILA. and everything that seems illogical about my parents just seems perfect. suits each other.


nampak x aku guna plural utk term di atas? sbb BANYAK ok BANYAK. bkn setakat menghalalkan yg haram, *walaupun ramai antara korang byk sebenarnya dah menikmati yg haram* T_T dr segala segi ko kena amek tau, demi utk memastikan yg terbaik utk keluarga kamu org tu.

igt ye kwn2, marriage is not the end chapter, its the starting of a new era. chewah ayat. eh tp serious la. bkn aku x menggalakkan korang kahwin awal, sila, lg awal lg bagus. tp nowadays bkn setakat ramai kahwin awal, tp juga kes bercerai di kalangan anak2 muda pon tinggi. x percaya bacalah surat khabar yg boleh dipercayai (kecuali metro). so renung2kanlah. if betul korang nak kahwin awal, prepare yourself THOROUGHLY. setiap segi, emosi, fizikal, rohani dan semua lah. bukan setakat nak theme colour apa, pelamin mcm mana, baju nak camne, catering mana yg sedap, mende2 tu semua utk paling lama pon 5 jam, pastu? *sbb tula aku nak gantung bihun n tea'o je haha* korang dah fikir mende2 kemudian tu? nak tinggal mana, kang tggl dgn mak bpk menyusahkan mak bpk pulak, x reti nak srh bini tlg2 wat kerja dapur, basuh baju, BANYAK OK BANYAKKKKKKKKK!!!

ok tiba2 dah mls tulis. ini je idea aku utk ideal husband. anyone wants to add some more?

Friday, June 11, 2010

edisi kesedaran utk wanita.

skrg mmg musim mengawan kan? tiap2 weekend siapkan diri bercantik2 tp berperut kosong k! byk sgt wedding invitation!!

bila tgk org kiri kanan dah kahwin, settle down.. tipu la kan x rasa pape. just that try not to be afected sbb kan Allah dah janji, tiap org dah ada soulmate nya, just tunggu masa dan tpt dan org yg sesuai. lgpn. pls la.

kenapa aku x kahwin lg?

1. bila fikir balik. dah ready ke kau ria. perangai cam nak kena baling kat dinding. pastu when there's something bothering me mula lah. x berckp dgn org. gayalah ko hot gila everytime laki ko nak kena cope dgn perangai tu. hah tu kalau dah pregnant perangai jadi horror camne lg pulak?? T_T

2. umur baru 24 thn. relax ah. skrg tahun 2010 ye bukan 1910 dimana org berkahwin di darjah dua dan menjadi kilang penghasilan anak2. kalau anak2 menjadi manusia xpe, ni kang ada yg x rupa manusia, x ke dosa!

3. aku br grad kot?? kerja pon belum lg. walaupun aku mengidamkan utk 'elope' bersama encik suami. tp kena la ada duit. baru la best sket. nak honeymoon puas2. huhu.

4. dah byk sgt ke ko berjasa pd ibu ayah? dah TERBAYAR ke walaupun sekelumit cuma jasa ibu dan ayah? x sempat ibu ayah nak bermanja kot? ko tu x abes2 ke craving for attention?? dr kecil mak bapak dah bagi. pastu bf plak berjuta2 cam tukar baju. pastu sibuk nak kahwin. bila kalau ko nak mengsayangkan mak bapak? mmg ko sebenarnya penakut takut nak tanggung dosa sendiri. asyik nak laki lain tanggung. kalau x byk dosa xpe gak. boohoo la!

5. hah ckp kasih syg pd ibu bapa je, tu pada Yang Esa tu? dah cukup ke segala2nya? solat tiang 5 pon goyah sibuk nak kahwin. tp igtlah kwn2, kalau ye pon kt cukup 5, dah tentu ke Dia terima? kalau ko solat cam 'the flash' tu apa kejadahnya! kaki tu dah ringan2 ke ke masjid? tlg la. sedar diri sket. ko nya bacaan doa lepas solat tu kan. dah berapa tahun x berubah2? x pon ada la tambah sket2 2 3 doa baru. ada ke? bacaan ayat lazim past fatihah, takan surah an-nas dr mula2 belajar solat zmn tadika sampai skrg still sama? solat awal waktu? ke solat ikut dan? soe of them dare to say *hah tu pon nasib baik aku solat ok??* T_T

6. masak pe cite? tiap hari nak bg laki mkn muffins? beskot choc chips? vanilla flan? nasi ayam? nasi lemak? kena brush up kot semua tu sblm kawen. mana ada lelaki yg suka mkn kedai kalau nak mkn kedai baik dia tyh kawen. kawen dgn macik gerai tu lg bagus.

7. terlalu byk things i want to achieve first before settling down. which i m afraid it might be affected bila dah bersuami.

8. aku perlu mencari org yg psycho boleh tahan gak ah cam aku. huhu. solat pls cukup 5? :(
ada x org yg berkongsi idea perfect ceremony ialah dgn menggantungkan bihun n tea o di pagar2 jiran dgn tag 'selamat pengantin baru ria & **** ' ? save gila n aku tyh nak kena jalan pakai baju cantik2 n pelamin cantik2?? idaman gila kot!!!

ok entry kali ni juga actually utk nasihat2 kpd kwn2 yg still single mahupun dah nak kawen ke tunang ke risik ke papelah. kalau la berguna ilmu ini.

1.nawaitu kena betul. asal ko nak kawen? sbb 'dah tiba masanya'? hah bagus la.

korang ni suluh cermin x before kawen? dah ready ke segala2nya? ye mmg betul, kahwin ini boleh menghalalkan mende yg haram. amboi, dahtu, sbb tu je ke korang nak kawen? tuntutan2 lain? come what may? ke mcm mentaliti org kita 'ala tu nanti sama2 la kita fikirkan' dah terantuk baru nak terngadah. kang ternganga lah kau jawabnya!

2. selagi belum official, boleh x tyh nak berbunyi confident sgt? alangkan org kahwin pon boleh bercerai, jgn la setakat bf dah hebah satu dunia. tlg la usia anda dah berapa? matang sket. semua org dah ada pasangan/ preference masing2 so tayah la nak wat ayat2 yg memualkan dan berpanggilan manja di khalayak ramai. eyew gila ohkay. bkn dengki geli. serious!

3. oh ko jgn igt kwn2 ko kahwin so ko pon nak kahwin je jgk. igt cam main pondok2 ke? pastu dah kawen jgnla nak berlagak bagus or ko expect dia time jd bf, dgn dia time dah jadi laki ko sama je! mmg silap bsr la kan. ko tu pon. belajar la mengalah2 sket. ko dah jadi bini, walaupun camne ko hot dan menjadi rebutan semalaya pon, tp ko dah jadi bini dia, ko tetap dah bwh dia.

'jika manusia boleh menyembah sesama manusia, sudah tentu akan Ku perintahkan seorang isteri sujud ke arah suaminya' (quotation dr mana x igt dah tp berbunyi2 sebeginilah)

4. hah ko jgn igt, laki ko cool, mak bapak dia pon cool, macik pacik dia cool, adik beradik dia cool. ko jgn tiba2 nak nyemak msk campur urusan keluarga laki kau. walaupun if dia tanya opinion, pls menjadi sgt neutral. jgn nak berbaur tunjuk hebat lagi2 dgn memberi cth keluarga anda tu umpama 'pic perfect' . pergh meluat dan berbulu laki anda.

5. hah paling penting!!! kalaupon ko x reti msk, tp pls jgn sampai x masuk dapur. skrg mmg x pelik if pmpn x pandai msk, tp jgn MALAS! ko pergi la kemas dapur n tlg bsh pnggan ke hape. jgn nak jadi raja midas, jgn nak pura2 jaga dodoi anak sbb tu ko xle nak tlg kemas. ah aku benci gl type pmpn camni.

6. jgn igt ko kawen dgn laki ko je k. ko kawen jgk dgn adik beradik laki ko yg akan membuat muka kalau ko x tlg mereka wat kerja rumah, ko kawen jgk dgn mak dia yg selalu kena msk sorang2 kat dapur tu, ko akan kawen jgk dgn whole family. so sila behave, jg air muka laki ko. walaupun ko sgt up dan bergaji berpuluh2 ribu, tp ko still bwh kaki laki kau. bkn setakat perlu menjadi isteri yg baik, malahan kakak/adik ipar, anak menantu yg baik juga ye. igt tu. jgn beri peluang kaum kerabat suami anda mengata anda.

7. pastu. sila bear in mind. ko bkn setakat nak jadi isteri je pastu tamat cerita. nanti ko akan beranak pinak kot. sila prepare. mulut jaga aurat jaga. tlg lah lahirkan anak2 berkualiti! jgn asyik aim kuantiti je! pastu hasil hampeh. mati merempit tgh jln je wat penat beranak je kot! tlggg la malaysia sgtla kekurangan org yg berIQ tinggi, org yg berguna.

shiesh people, penting ok melahirkan generasi yg berguna!

ishk byk lg actually nak bebel, tp cukup la hingga sini saja. fikirkan baik2. ko dah mampu ke nak pgg tggg jwb bsr camtu. bukan setakat rasa umur dah meningkat dah nak kahwen. aduhai la umat Muhammad! jgn memalukan kami pls?

harap maaf bg yg terasa, mungkin dgn cara ini shj yg dpt menyedarkan saudara dan saudari. nantikan edisi kesedaran utk jejaka pula!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

petua imam shafie


Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas

Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam

Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih

Empat perkara merosakkan mata
1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat

Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama

1. TIDUR PARA NABI - Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan bumi.
2. TIDUR PARA ULAMA' & AHLI IBADAH - Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.
3. TIDUR PARA RAJA YANG HALOBA - Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan.
4. TIDUR SYAITAN - Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka

Monday, June 7, 2010





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